
It’s because we build trusting relationships with our customers…

Since its creation in 2014 by a team of experts passionate about IT, design and digital marketing, DONE has maintained trustworthy relationships with its clients based on proximity and openness.

… that we can offer them tailor-made solutions…

The privileged relationships we establish with our clients – whether they are craftsmen or SMEs, local or international players, active in b2b or b2c – enable us to develop innovative and ambitious solutions with them, to opt for advanced technical choices and to establish global and integrated strategies.

… that will have a lasting and profitable impact.

Our approach is clearly stated: “A website is not a finished product!”, it must be designed from the onset to constantly monitor developments:

  • in relation to the evolution of the customer and its market
  • of technical and technological dimensions
  • related to fashions and trends
  • specific to users’ behaviours and expectations

We create each step of a site ourselves:

For more fluidity in our collaboration, we assign you a project manager, who coordinates and manages with you the whole of your project from its conception to its launch:

UX / UI Design

Once we have immersed ourselves in your environment (your offers, your targets and your competitors) we define the ergonomics and functionalities of your future site. This step also allows us to carry out competitive benchmarks to refine the positioning of your site and adapt its navigability.

Graphic Design

Our graphic designers are integrated into your project from the very beginning. They are involved in the creation of your logo, the webdesign of the site, the newsletters and even any “print” versions. Their objective is to create an efficient and modern graphic design that will optimize the conversion rate.


Our developers create your website, update it, ensure its continuous maintenance and with our Growth Driven Design approach, make it evolve as your companys’ needs evolve.

Follow-up and support

Our work does not stop once your site is online! It is now necessary to bring in visitors and build their loyalty. This is where our digital marketing specialists come in, they steer your site towards success while maintaining a competitive watch so that your site sticks to the right trends.

And, once the site is online, we proceed to:

Regular maintenance

Continuous technological monitoring

Statistical and behavioural analyses to refine the strategy

The production and adaptation of content

And a lot more…

The six pillars of our philosophy

no setup fees

No set up fee

DONE does not charge you for website development, the price (which is a monthly charge) is identical for all customers of the same service plan.

full service

Full Service

DONE develops custom-tailored websites with full follow-up service. Anything from drafting content to image integration to even the execution of updates is carried out by our staff.


Great Design

DONE’s Graphics Department takes pride in creating unique websites featuring high quality graphics.


Best SEO techniques

For a website it is crucial to be properly represented on search engines, and DONE has significant expertise with the best SEO techniques.

Up to date

Keeping the content up-to-date

At DONE, we understand your website needs to be updated on a regular basis. Our team is keen to keep posting relevant news information on your site.


Responsive Websites

Websites designed by DONE are responsive; in other words, they automatically adjust to all media types, regardless of screen type or mobile device used.

We also meet specific digital needs:

Lead generation

hubspot partner

As the digitalization of a company is not limited to a website, we support our customers throughout the process from the definition of your positioning to the implementation of a lead generation strategy and the analysis of results. You will thus benefit from the best technologies and CRM to develop your sales. As such, DONE is an official partner of Hubspot in the Grand Duchy.

Digital Marketing

digital marketing

For the past years, we have been producing all the major content (articles, reports, interviews, photos, etc.) for our clients. We’re also advising you to improve the ROI of your digital marketing. Our custom-tailored offers can easily be integrated into your communication.

Do you communicate in traditional media?

outbound marketing

We also design your flyers, visual identity, advertising brochures and internal communications and integrate them, if necessary, into your communication strategy and analyses.

Business application creation


Is your company evolving? Your digital communication tools too!

DONE supports companies in their development, in particular by creating customized business applications.

You are looking for a tailor-made solution

tailor made solutions

We identify your needs and offer solutions to facilitate your internal processes. Stock management, tracking systems, shared work platforms… are examples of solutions that we have been able to develop for specific needs.

To date, more than 100 companies from Luxembourg or the greater region have placed their trust in us, and those from the customers from the very beginning are still loyal to us. Our agency has thus grown continuously.

The founders


Thomas Keipes



Vitali Marquart